Friday, June 20, 2014

Revising the past (blog editing)

Now that I am back in town I have been dedicating some time to cleaning up the blog, correcting typos, adding maps, and a few other things I really could not do on the road (or simply did not have the time and energy to do). I am also writing some reviews on the gear I used, so come back again, you may find something new here and there.

As for another trip, well, Blue has some ideas, and I like what I am hearing. Prince Edwards Island in the Fall sounds like fun, or, for a shorter run, a one week trip down to the Florida Keys. There is also the Pacific Coast, but that may have to wait for a different time.

Meanwhile, if anyone has any suggestions for rides around this part of the country (Jackson, MS), let me know. There is the Tail of the Dragon, off course, about two days from here, but I am not sure about riding with so many people around, so I am more interested in the " less traveled road".

So, stay tuned...

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